Craft Articulate, Refined Writing

Our mission is to assist students in excelling at each phase of the writing process. We guide them through understanding rubrics, outlining essays, conducting secondary research, mastering citation techniques, and crafting articulate, refined writing. While our expertise lies in the writing commonly assigned at the secondary level—essays, book reports, research papers, and reader responses—we are also eager to support students with other writing projects.

This intensive program, delivered through phone, email, and video chat, is specifically designed to address particular school assignments.


Customized Writing Analysis

Our counselors will examine the requirements of your writing projects and review samples of your previous work to develop a tailored plan for your current assignments.

Individualized Guided Writing Support

You’ll collaborate with one of our counselors via phone, video conference, and email to efficiently and effectively complete your writing projects. During this process, you’ll learn new techniques and strategies to enhance your overall writing style. If you desire additional coaching, we will create personalized strategies and exercises just for you, and review them with you on a one-on-one basis.

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